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If you would like to purchase a paver, bench, bronze, donate to continued addition, and/or have any questions regarding the memorial please call:
President Randy Carlisle 432-209-2686
Vice President Wayne Mixon 432-788-7014
Secretary Twila Caffey 432-209-3300
Treasurer Loudean Carlisle 432-788-7399
Ron Jett 210-716-1428
B.W. Baucum 806-759-2335
Fairey McMahan 432-523-3982
Gaines County Veterans Memorial is always working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world. But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now.
Please help us make this memorial a tribute to those who fought and served, to those who lived and those who died in battle. They are America’s greatest heroes and deserve to have a memorial in their honor for their heroism. To learn more about our organization, or to inquire how you might become more involved, contact us today !